Smooth Sleeps Rewards
Unlock exclusive perks by joining Smooth Sleeps Rewards!
How It Works
Sign up and earn 1,000 Smooth points right away; that's $10 off your next order!
Earn 2 Smooth points for every $1 spent.
Use your Smooth points to earn discounts on your favourite silky items!
How To Earn
Sign Up
1,000 Smooth points
Write a Review
1,000 Smooth points
Refer a Friend
1,000 Smooth points
Birthday Treat
1,000 Smooth points
Follow our Instagram
300 Smooth points
Like our Facebook
300 Smooth points
Earn Points Every Time You Shop!
Every time you purchase with Smooth Sleeps, you get money off your next order.
Earn 2 Smooth points for every $1 spent!
Spending Points
Watch your savings grow, and put your points to use!
Every 100 Smooth points = $1 off!
Start shopping now, and redeem your rewards today!